Monday, June 28, 2021



Drawing Courtesy of Wikipedia

If you feel localized body pain in different parts of your body. And if it persists for more than 7 days you should seek medical attention. 

Here is a remedy that help to heal your body.

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Bed Rest and minimum movement if your pain is on a limb.
  3. Try unguents such as  Bengay cream,  Tiger Balm, Ramina Hemp Cream, Blue-Emu and Bio-Freeze.
  4.  For me the ultimate remedy is Hot Ginger-Mint Tea with Chamomile, Tilo & lemon or lime with one tylenol tablet. Please do not add sugar. Optional: you may also drink some green tea.
  5. Eliminate carbohydrates and eat healthy fruits such as blueberries and pineapple. 
  6. Try Salmon fish instead of red meat.
  7. Also a few drops of Olive oil is very good for joints and articulations.
  8. A warm shower with massage on the affected muscle area is very good to improve blood circulation. 

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